
Two exciting things happened today. This was one of them. It’s by far the best thing I’ve found for pulling ragwort and weeds. It can be a quite onerous job. But this makes it so much fun! I think I was having too much fun. Buddy was very interested and followed me round the field.

Definitely didn’t fire the ragwort into the barrow like I was loading a shotgun. Almost certainly didn’t do my own sound effects. And my horse most definitely didn’t canter round his field…

Might have got a bit carried away when I got home too. Let’s just say my ‘lawn’ looks more like Swiss cheese after my efforts.

Is it a measure of how dull my life is that this makes me very happy?! Good job I can laugh at myself.

The other exciting thing that happened was that I trotted Buddy under saddle for the first time. Just to see how he felt. He was a bit tense for the first few strides – as was I! We both soon relaxed into it. Now I know he’s feeling more level again, I can slowly increase it. Slow and steady wins the race!

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