Birthday antics

Buddy Boy turned 14 today. Sadly it wasn’t the best weather for him. Rather damp as we headed out for our walk.

Usually we’d go for a long ride together. This year it’s a bit different. I wonder if Buddy minded. I definitely missed it. I didn’t miss Buddy acting like a 3 year old when he heard the steam rally. Cause he’s never heard that before!

Probably not my best plan. We didn’t go that close. And assumed that as he’s experienced it 7 years now, he’s be OK. That was my first mistake. Never assume with horses. Or it could have been the boy racer car backfiring. We had it all today. And we were only out 15 mins.

I did get back in the saddle today though as a friend let me ride her horse. Maybe that was Buddy’s birthday treat too? He looked quite surprised when spotted me.

Happy Birthday Buddy Boy. You really are My Absolute Diamond.

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