
Well that’s another camp done and dusted. It’s been great being away – even if I was a tad envious of everyone. I think I’m more shattered being a camp helper than I’ve ever been as a camp rider!! I have a new found respect for the instructors.

I clocked up an average of 5 miles each day. And I barely left the arena! As soon as one group finished, the next were in and ready to get going. It was a marathon each day. Never picked up so many poos. Or moved so many poles and jumps. I certainly got a workout.

It was very emotional at times watching the riders’ improvements over the lessons. Seeing riders overcome their personal demons and achieve things they didn’t think they could.

And it wasn’t just the riders. The horses grew in confidence. So wonderful to see them smiling as much as the riders.

As much as I want to get back there with Buddy. I know I can’t rush his rehab. We will be back, better than before I have no doubt about that.

It was great catching up with everyone. Some I’ve known a long time. Others I’ve just met. All bonded by the shared experience and memories made. Till next time…

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