First cut

After a few aborted attempts, today I finally cut the back lawn. I say lawn, there’s a lot of moss too. It’s needed doing, but trying to find a time when it wasn’t raining has proven tricky. The nicest days I’ve either had plans, been working or quite frankly couldn’t be arsed.

But today I woke up with a weird determination. Good job too as it took bloody ages to do! It was still a bit damp, so not only did I have to keep emptying the mower, I had to clear the mower too as the grass kept getting clogged up around the blade.

Not totally sure it looks better. But it’s a start. Scarifier next. The kittens approve. Though I think they were enjoying hiding and playing in the long grass.

I even spent time doing the edges and made a start on clearing the borders. Of course, I’m now covered in bramble scratches and stinging nettle stings. Still I’m pleased with my efforts.

Next time, I’ll turn my attentions to the front garden.

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