Tidy bush

I had a rude awakening this morning when the front door went at 8am. It was the gardeners for next door. My lovely neighbour had popped round on Monday to ask if I wanted them to do my garden while they were doing his. He’s 98 and flipping amazing.

The front garden has been annoying me for a while now. It gone very wild. So took it as a sign that I needed to get it sorted.

He told me they were coming on Thursday. Seems he got the day wrong. So there’s me walking round the front garden in my dressing gown with the bloke talking about what needed trimming. Not really my forte, so left them to it.

Of course, then I had to listen to hedge trimmers, choppers and all manner of garden equipment. It was slightly distracting and a tad hard to concentrate.

The kittens were less than impressed. Especially when one of the blokes’ dog came through the ‘cat hole’ and ran round the garden. He was having so much fun, he didn’t want to go back.

After they’d left, I thought I’d best go and do a bit of weeding now I could actually see what’s there. Well till the rain came again.

Oh well, at least I have neatly trimmed bushes (insert your own jokes here).

2 thoughts on “Tidy bush

    1. Thank you. Sadly my wonderful neighbour has now passed away. He was 98 though so had a long life. I shall miss him. And now looks like I’ll have to sort my own bushes out.


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