
Today has been V-Day for Buddy. After nearly 5 weeks, he’s still not right. So I took him to a lameness locator clinic being held by my Vets. I was fascinated by the process (mixed with mild panic, heart-racing anxiety and a sick feeling most of the time).

Let’s start with the good news. Buddy has sustained an injury that he will recover from. We will still be able to do the things we were doing. He’s going to need some further treatment, fancy shoes and a lot of rehabilitation.

Now the bad news. It could take 6-8 months for him to recover fully. Now we all know that patience isn’t my strong point. Looks like I going to have to embrace a slower pace with my little boy for the coming months.

Buddy was a model patient. He took it all in his stride. Given he’s had nearly 3 weeks off work, I wasn’t sure what to expect when they lunged him. He was as good as gold. Even in the torrential rain.

When the three sensors he was wearing showed low grade lameness in all 4 legs, my sick feeling turned into nearly vomiting in the corner. More data was needed. So more trotting for Buddy.

We knew his off fore was the issue. The data confirmed this. After 3 nerve blocks, his lameness was improved by 72%! And the hind leg lameness was all but gone.

X-rays were clear. So scans next. They showed an injury to one of his ligaments. It looks like an old injury that had been aggravated. But it was healing so the time out was helping.

It was a very long day. Quite the emotional rollercoaster too. I’m so relieved as I had 101 possible outcomes running through my head.

Basically, Buddy has twisted his ankle and needs time to recover fully before we can get going again.

He has a few more people in his fan club, loved the snacks and got a free Willy wash while he was sedated.

The road to recovery starts tomorrow. Tonight I’m shattered…

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