
Two exciting things happened today. This was one of them. It’s by far the best thing I’ve found for pulling ragwort and weeds. It can be a quite onerous job. But this makes it so much fun! I think I was having too much fun. Buddy was very interested and followed me round the field.

Definitely didn’t fire the ragwort into the barrow like I was loading a shotgun. Almost certainly didn’t do my own sound effects. And my horse most definitely didn’t canter round his field…

Might have got a bit carried away when I got home too. Let’s just say my ‘lawn’ looks more like Swiss cheese after my efforts.

Is it a measure of how dull my life is that this makes me very happy?! Good job I can laugh at myself.

The other exciting thing that happened was that I trotted Buddy under saddle for the first time. Just to see how he felt. He was a bit tense for the first few strides – as was I! We both soon relaxed into it. Now I know he’s feeling more level again, I can slowly increase it. Slow and steady wins the race!

Sleepy heads

This is what the kittens think of things. They have clearly decided to sleep through it. Can’t blame them. I wish I could. I felt rather tired when I work up this morning. Guess a day trip to Birmingham will do that to you.

Still I had a super productive admin day. Finally ticked a few things off the list that have been hanging around for a while. Very satisfying.

Less satisfying was the fact that having been dry all day, the heavens opened as I headed to the yard. Good job I’m not a fair-weather equestrian!! Picked the wrong country for that.

One good thing about the rain is that it makes weeding easier. Cleared a big patch of weeds on my driveway when I got back. Trouble is this wet / warm weather is perfect growing weather. Let’s hope they don’t come back too soon. I’ve still got a lot of weeds to tackle!!and more undergrowth to cull.