
A while back, I got a letter to say that there was a safety recall on The Comedy Car. Apparently the hood striker could fail. Cause it’s not terrifying enough driving the Comedy Car at speed without the risk that the bonnet could fly open…?!?!

Finally got round to booking it in. Well after much discussion about whether the safety recall was on the original part or the replacement part that I had to buy in 2019 when the bonnet wouldn’t close properly. Airing on side of caution, the garage booked it in.

Being a rare breed, there was only one place I could take it locally. Thankfully it wasn’t too far from the chiro’s. So booked it in for a day I was working.

Could I leave it all day? Umm no. It took the chap 10 mins to do it last time. Well we could offer you a courtesy car for £15? Umm that’s not really a courtesy if I have to pay for it.

Finally agreed that I would come at my allocated time and wait while they did it. Hurrah! I arrived to find the paperwork said I was leaving it. Umm nope. I have another meeting to get to. OK you can wait….

An hour and 10 mins it took them!! Still at least it’s done. And this sign made me giggle. I was rather bored by this time I can tell you.