Special lady

This afternoon I had the honour of riding a very special horse. One I’ve known for a number of years but have never ridden before. So when I was offered the chance, I wasn’t passing it up.

That and it meant I got to catch up with a good friend too. It’s wonderful that people trust me with their horses. Carla and I chatted the whole way round. It was lovely to ride somewhere else too. We clearly need to catch up more regularly as we talked for another 4 hours!!

Missy was a total poppet. I understand why Martine adored her. And how special she really is. It’s clear that Carla has the same love for her. So made it even more special to be able to take her out.

Best present

Well I’ve made it to the ripe old age of 54! Happy birthday me! And I got an extra special present today. I got back on Budy for the first time in a month. Oh I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed these ears. He’s still got a long way to go with his rehab. But the first constitutional under saddle is a milestone.

My birthday is usually a big deal in my world. This year it kinda snuck up on me. I hadn’t planned anything. And this morning when I woke up, I really wasn’t feeling it. After all, it’s only another trip round the sun. Things with Buddy, my parents and life in general has all overshadowed it this year.

Thankfully people in my life decided that it should be marked. I’m overwhelmed with the number of messages I’ve had.

I’ve had some incredibly wonderful and thoughtful presents too. Tonight I was taken out for dinner. And have had cake. Lots of cake.

Next year will be a big one for me. I didn’t get to celebrate my 50th the way I’d planned because of Covid. So I’ve decided to celebrate my 55th in style!


Buddy has his special shoe put on today. Just call him Cinderella! It’s called a spider plate apparently. My fab farrier made it for him after having a chat with the vet. Honestly, I’m not kidding when I say Buddy has a crack support squad!

To make sure he’s not wonky, he made a slightly different version for his other front hoof. Everything crossed it helps his recovery.

I love the green putty. Green is definitely Buddy’s colour. Well he is an Irish boy after all.

I’m grateful for my crack support squad today too. There have been lots of tears today. Things have been building up for a while. I know I’ve been drifting into the rumble strip of life. So today I let the tears flow. And took my oversized Labrador and his Cinderella shoes out for his constitutional. It helped.

One day we will go to the Ball Buddy Boy. Till then, walking it is. Let’s face it, he’s definitely my Prince Charming.