More ears

Today has been a lovely horsey day. Made even more lovely by the fact the sun shone!

I started the day judging the show jumping for John Lake Riding Club. It was lovely to see so many competitors having fun in the sun. They start at x-poles. So lots of classes to judge.

We know I love the commentary bit, but I’ve found I love the judging bit too. So I’ve applied to do the BS Judge Training. As much as I love jumping. And can’t see myself stopping anytime soon. There will come a day when I can’t or don’t want to. So paying it forward if that makes sense. Horses are my thing. I want to still be involved if I can.

Once back home, I was lucky to ride two horses. Took Buddy out for his 15 mins of walk. Then took Ernie out for a longer ride. At this point, I could make a joke about the fastest milkman. But I really would be showing my age…

Dulcet tones

I was invited to judge and commentate at the first John Lake Riding Club show tonight. I had a co-commentator for a bit when this sweet little pup joined in.

It was a lovely, low key show. Perfect for those starting out or wanting to boost their confidence. It was great watching everyone in action.

Buddy and I will be joining the action no doubt.

I had lots of complements on my commentators voice. Seems I really do have a voice for radio….