1 tog

The weather has warmed up considerably over the past few days. That’s resulted in a few broken nights’ sleep as I’ve been overheating. Even with the summer duvet.

I’m not a fan of sleeping uncovered. Last summer I found I was getting cold under an empty duvet cover (call me Goldilocks). So a new lightweight duvet was needed. Just the one tog!

Watch the temperatures plummet and a new ice age decent on the UK. I apologise now…

Winter duvet

I woke up last night feeling cold. So it was time to break out the winter duvet. Watch us have another heatwave now!

I love the feeling of snuggling up in fresh bedding. And the heaviness of the thicker duvet. It’s such a simple pleasure.

Regardless of what’s going on in my life. Or what time of the day or night I have to get up. I always make my bed. It’s such a little thing. But sets me up for a good day knowing it’ll be ready for me when I head to bed.

Duvet day

Today I did something that I rarely do. And something I haven’t done for ages. I had a duvet day! The kittens and I barely left the sofa and I’m still in my PJs.

Watched the Strictly final from last night (and was in floods by the end). It’s been a brilliant series. Gutted for AJ. Thrilled for Rose. But would have been happy with John winning too.

Then it’s been full on Equestrian. Watched the coverage from The London Horse Show. First last night’s coverage and then the World Cup. Very inspired to get back out jumping again.

Today has been a good day! Sometimes you need to stop. After all, even birds have to rest.