Coffee date

Oh my days, I was one very pooped Pip this morning. I didn’t sleep that well as I couldn’t switch my brain off. The downside to an adrenaline high day yesterday. I’m not sure people get the concentration levels you need to commentate. Sounds so easy, it’s just talking right?! Nope. You need eye in the back of your head to see who’s starting and finishing. Ears everywhere listening the the jump judges and officials. And be able to know where up to 5 horses are at a time. Oh and keep everyone up-to-date and mildly amused at the same time.

I love doing it, so not complaining at all.

Thankfully caffeine was on the agenda for today as I met up with a friend for coffee and a catch up. That turned into coffee, tea cakes, 2 hours of chatting and yet more coffee.

Well we can’t meet for a hack at the moment, so we did the next best thing. A coffee date.