Coffee date

Oh my days, I was one very pooped Pip this morning. I didn’t sleep that well as I couldn’t switch my brain off. The downside to an adrenaline high day yesterday. I’m not sure people get the concentration levels you need to commentate. Sounds so easy, it’s just talking right?! Nope. You need eye in the back of your head to see who’s starting and finishing. Ears everywhere listening the the jump judges and officials. And be able to know where up to 5 horses are at a time. Oh and keep everyone up-to-date and mildly amused at the same time.

I love doing it, so not complaining at all.

Thankfully caffeine was on the agenda for today as I met up with a friend for coffee and a catch up. That turned into coffee, tea cakes, 2 hours of chatting and yet more coffee.

Well we can’t meet for a hack at the moment, so we did the next best thing. A coffee date.

Spring Equinox

We made it people! Today is the Spring Equinox. I must admit I wasn’t thrilled when I woke up to yet more rain. But it soon passed and turned into an OK day.

After working so many hours, it was a catch up day. Catching up on laundry, housework, admin, friends and most importantly, my Buddy Boy.

He certainly had a spring in his step today. And that puts a smile on my face.


I woke up feeling rather crumpled and pretty snotty. So I decided to have a restful day. But this is me, so it was active rest.

After a well overdue catch up with a good friend this morning, I ran a few errand and pottered in the garden. This corner was rather overgrown with ivy. It was starting to annoy me. Today was the day to clear it. Felt like I was going at snail’s pace though. Honestly, I am my own worst enemy.

It was only after climbing up a ladder and feeling really dizzy, I decided that maybe I should try actually resting instead.

See I’m growing. Even if I am still dizzy and feel like I’ve been punched in the face. Early night for me!

Fish Friday

Long overdue catch up tonight with my friend Colette. And on Fish Friday, it would be rude not to. I haven’t had fish cakes for ages. Forgotten how nice they were. These were bloody lush!

Dinner with a good friend is good for the soul as well as the stomach.

Ruby Murray

What a treat for a Thursday night. A curry and a catch up.

I actually tried something different too. I say I’m going to but when it comes to ordering the words ‘chicken tikka bhuna’ comes out of my mouth.

Not tonight. Tonight I had chicken shashlak. And it was bloody lovely!!

Look around

Headed over to meet my ‘Happy Camper’ ladies this afternoon. It was great to catch up with them. They’re definitely part of my tribe. I came away feeling so loved, appreciated and very grateful.

I know I’ve said it before, but I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

I had to pop over to the feed store afterwards and saw these deer on the way back. I stopped to take a photo. I felt equally blessed that I spotted them. What a stunning view. I’ve been very much in my head the past few days, so it was good to look around and admire the beauty all around us.


Buddy blew me a bubble tonight when I lunged him. How cute! Today’s been a catch up day. It’s been a busy few days (weeks/months) so there was a lot to catch up on.

The aftermath of the Champs needed sorting. As did the mountain of laundry. I was feeling rather pleased with myself for getting it almost dry on the line. When a thunderstorm hit (still not complaining about the rain).

I made a start on sorting the lorry too. I was too tired to do it on Saturday when I got back. Thankfully I don’t need to do a full clean as we’re off to a training camp on Saturday.


This afternoon I got pugged! Popped over to some friends to see their new place. It was fab to catch up.

I seemed to be a bit of a hit with their dogs as all of them sat with me. Bit too much of a hit with one of their pugs as I got humped. Again.

What can I say, it must be my animal magnetism!?! If only I could attract men as easily…

Admire the view

I met a friend for a coffee / catch up today. As it was such a lovely day, we headed to the Castle Gardens to sit on a wall and chew the fat (or paradise slice in my case).

The castle really is stunning. It always makes me smile. I really must go round the museum one day…