Good deed

I did a good deed today. Ended up being a bit of an adventure too. I sold a jacket. The buyer wanted it for a showing show tomorrow. She was getting a bit stressed as she wasn’t sure how she could get to me to pick it up.

As she wasn’t too far away, I said I’d drop it off. Wasn’t expecting it to be one of those ‘round the houses’ kind of journeys. Still we finally met in a supermarket car park. And she was very pleased with the jacket. So all ended well.


I had to go and have a routine mammogram today. Wasn’t quite what I expected. A mobile unit in the local camping and caravan shop car park. Still it worked. And thankfully it had air conditioning.

Not the most pleasurable experience. But it was OK. And good to get my boobs checked.

I had a bit of a medical day as I went to give blood first. That was donation number 62. Let’s hope I don’t get to 62 mammograms, my poor boobs would be well and truly squished.